2007년 2월 19일 독일에서 온 새해인사입니다.
2월 19일(음력 새해)에 이모님부부는 500년된 나무가 있는 멋진 숲을 산책하셨고,
그때 담은 사진을 보내오셨습니다.

Hello and Happy New Year to all of our family in Korea!

Actually, Hi-Gyong and Doung-Gyu called us last midnight (Korean time) to
wish us a happy new year.  Thank you both.

Only Tobias was at home.
Yi-bun and me had gone out for a long walk in the forrests around our home.
It was a very nice, sunny and warm (12 degrees C) Sunday here, today.
Thus, during New Year's start it was 4 p.m. here and
we were just enjoying a huge 500 years old oak tree in our Schoenbuch forrest.
(Young-Sun and Young-Wan, you both know the Schoenbuch - the nice forrest
with tiny lakes, were we did the 3 hours walk....- remember?).
Well, here are some of today's impressions:

Annnyong, Harald & Family
dated 2007.02.19

아래 사진은 작년에 담은 이모님네 가족 사진들입니다.
이탈리아 미니월드에서 하랄드 이모부님
공부에 지친 안나마리아
재밌는? 표정의 토비아스
dated 2006. 

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